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October 19, 2016
MDabroad represents the highest standard in claims management in the market. We institutionalized the concept of international claims management for medical providers and is the only company that puts its own cash on the line for its clients.
August 24, 2016
Ignacio Marquez took to the podium to provide his perspective on how health markets operate in Mexico and Brazil. He began by saying that he believes the industry was vulnerable to abuse, fraud and administrative malpractice but also noted that it was something that was certainly not limited to Latin America.
January 10, 2016
To the surprise of many, your domestic insurance plan may cover you overseas. Under many policies, emergencies require insurance companies to cover the member, irrespective of location.
August 16, 2015
Tax adviser David McKeegan of Greenback Expat Tax Services says expats can’t simply ignore U.S. requirements for health insurance. According to a recent survey of expats conducted by my company, awareness of “Obamacare” is high but understanding of its impact is not. While 95% of respondents have heard of Obamacare, 30% weren’t sure how or if they would be affected by it. These five facts about Obamacare may surprise you.
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Es una compañía recién creada y afiliada de MDabroad, establecida para expandir el programa existente de financiación de reclamaciones de MDabroad y proveer soluciones de financiamiento a la industria de la salud a través del diseño y la facilitación de ofertas flexibles para satisfacer necesidades de efectivo y tecnología.

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